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Rentals this week:

Adult Skis - Available

Kids Skis - Available.

Snowboards Adult - Available

Snowboard Kids -Available


Other local rental Shops

Phils - Costa Mesa



Shop Repair/Tune Ups/Waxing

2-3 Day Turnaroundrental-repair2025-2.jpg

 Daily Rentals

Please reserve your equipment ahead of your trip to the mountains. 

Under 18 years old need to have parent/guardian to sign liability form.

Please note:

Previous renters may make phone reservations. 

**New renters must come into the shop and get fitted for rentals. 


*Travel Day on each end of rentals are not charged*

Pickup Friday - Ski/Snowboard Saturday - Return Sunday - 1 Day Charge ($35)

Pickup Friday - Ski/Snowboard Saturday and Sunday - Return Monday - 2 Day Charge ($70)